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Monday 24 June 2013

MGT510 Total Quality Management GDB Solution Spring June 2013

Scenario: The proponents of Management and Human Resource Management echo their voice for the provision of a working environment to the employees in the organization that may help them utilize their potential in such a way that organization may not only prosper but become the market leader. They believe that the frugal utilization of both the human and inhuman resources is the best means for this purpose. Out of these two, the human resources need more attention as they are the key players. The organization should invest in these resources with the provision of the skills that may help them to explore and use their inert talent. They should also be provided with all the opportunities so that they may grow over the period of time with the growth of the organization. They should also be provided with the information necessary for the timely fulfillment of the responsibilities they are entrusted with. They also speak about the structure of organization in a way that may foster the vision and mission of the organization by developing a mechanism of authority and responsibilities around the individuals and teams.

Question: Explain on logical grounds in a systematic manner how the above mentioned points of Management and Human Resources Management are endorsed by Quality Management Systems?
Solution:Management Responsibility – Requirements
ISO 9001:2000-Quality management systems -Requirements
Management commitment
Top management shall provide evidence of its commitment to the development and implementation of
the quality management system and continually improving its effectiveness by:
a)  Communicating to the organization the importance of meeting customer as well as statutory and
regulatory requirements;
b)  Establishing the quality policy;
c)  Ensuring that quality objectives are established;
d)  Conducting management reviews; and
e)  Ensuring the availability of resources

Total quality management is a public sector that interact with the work environment elements of the total quality management program were defined and measured using the Malcolm bladrige Award criteria .The relation ship between these TQM elements and work environment were defined through fie separate hypothesis. The work environment was described by the constructs, supervisor suppot, task, clarity, task orientation and innovation. His relationships between these TQM elements and work environment dimensions are discussed. Implications for TQM and ergonomic practice are analyzed, and directions for future research proposed. So we can say that the work environment of an organization ia combination of human and physical factors. Following are the points how total quality management manage work environment in a best way.

  • Creative work methodologies and opportunities for greater involvement to realize the potential of ail people. special facilities for people in the organization
  • Safety rules and guidance including use of protective equipment, ergonomics.
  • To understand the ethics of environment

  • Focus on best leadership
  • Develop recognition
  • Develop good communication among employees and leaders.
Trained and skilled employees are so important and play a great role in a successful organization.
The organization should analyze the development needs of all its people .the organization should provide training to its people in order to achieve its objectives.
It should also include the awareness of consequences to the organization and its enhancement of competence includes training, education, and reaming involves.
So following steps involved that represent the importance of training.

  • Adopt documentation for work
  • Focus on vision for future organization
  • Develop introductory programs for new people
  • Identification of necessary support.

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