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Tuesday 25 June 2013

CS607 Artificial Intelligence Assignment 4 Solution Spring 25th June 2013

Dear Student, you may have heard about MYCIN program…MYCIN was developed at Stanford to aid physicians in diagnosing and treating patients with a particular blood disease. Have you ever imagined how such programs are developed?

In this assignment, you are required to code in CLIPS…a small program that shall work like computerized medical consultant. Your program will collect some data from the patient and then diagnose his/her problem and suggest some treatment. As there exist lots of different cases in patient diagnoses and its are very difficult to capture/cover all of them in this assignment therefore, we have limited and restricted our requirement to have s simple design, good enough to give you the basic idea. You need to follow the stated conditions in true spirit.

Your program shall talk to the patient in the following manner:
The first message shall appear on screen as below after the program is executed with (run) command.
Welcome, I am your computerized medical consultant…
Please enter your VU ID:
User shall type his/her ID which will be recorded as facts in the system. Then program shall ask…
Do you feel headache (yes or no):
User shall enter his response as yes/no which will be recorded as facts in the system for later use. The program shall ask patient…
Enter your body temperature:
User shall enter his/her body temperature (numeric value) which will be recorded as facts in the system for later use. If patient temperature is >= 100 then the program shall ask patient…if he/she feeling body pain. In other words, program shall only ask for body pain if patient temperature is >=100 and in case his/her body temperature is < 100 then this question shall not be asked.

Based on above collected information, program shall now diagnose patient disease and suggest him/her some treatment. It can easily be observed that we can have total 6 different cases in the given scenario. Diagnoses and treatment for each case is given below:

Case No.
Body Temperature
Body Pain
Below 100
Not applicable (this will not be asked in this case)
Display message: You seem to be quite fine.
Display message: Have some rest and you will be fine, or consult some Human doctor.
Assert diagnosis fact “bedrest”
Assert treatment fact “bedrest”
Below 100
Not applicable (this will not be asked in this case)
Display message: Don’t worry, you have minor headache.
Display message: Take 2 tablets of Disprin and have some rest.
Assert diagnosis fact “minorheadache”
Assert treatment fact “disprin”
>= 100
Display message: You have Fever.
Display message: Take 1 tablet of Ponstan and have some rest.
Assert diagnosis fact “fever”
Assert treatment fact “posntan”
>= 100
Display message: You have High Fever.
Display message: Take 1 tablet of Panadol and have some rest.
Assert diagnosis fact “highfever”
Assert treatment fact “panadol”
>= 100
Display message: You seem to have heavy workload or some other domestic problem (tension).
Display message: Have some rest and you will be fine, or consult some Human doctor.
Assert diagnosis fact “bedrest”
Assert treatment fact “bedrest”
>= 100
Display message: Sorry, your case is beyond my current knowledge…
Display message: You really need to visit/consult some Human doctor.
Assert diagnosis fact “unknown”
Assert treatment fact “consultdoctor”

Note: You need to have separate rules for diagnosis and treatment…
  • For diagnosis total 6 rules will be required (one for every case)…each rule will assert a corresponding diagnosis fact after matching the respective symptoms.
  • For treatment total 5 rules will be required…as its matching will be performed on the basis of diagnosis fact value and we have 5 distinct values for diagnosis fact (Both in Case-1 and Case-5, diagnosis fact has same value i.e. bedrest)

Sample working of the desired program for all six cases is shown in attached video file “Sample.mp4”.


You are required to submit your solution through LMS in zip format containing two files.

  • Your CLIPS program i.e. .clp file.
  • An MS Word document containing screenshot of your program output/execution for any two cases (you shall type your own VU_ID) while entering student id and that must be visible in the screenshot.

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