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Wednesday 1 May 2013

MCM304 Mass Media in Pakistan Assignment 1 Solution Spring 1st May 2013

Mass Media in Pakistan (MCM 304)”
Learning objectives:
To develop the critical and analytical thinking among students regarding real time issues.
To make them realize the importance of media in the international and national issues
We all know that the Elections 2013 are on the way. All news channels are covering almost all aspects of this event in their talk shows. Capital Talk and Kal Tak are the famous programs of GEO and Express Channels in this regard. These are hosted by the well-known journalists Hamid Mir and Javed Chaudhary.
Your task is to watch the two episodes of the above mentioned programs and give the analysis of these programs on the basis of the following points:
 The mission statements of these programs
 Content of programs
 Influence of ownership on both programs with examples (positive or negative).
 Reporting of upcoming elections issues in both programs. (Presentation format)
 Role of Hosts in promoting awareness among masses regarding voting behavior
(3 Marks for each point)
Learning outcomes:
Students will be able to:
 Analyze the policies and values of media environments in Pakistan
 Classify the position of Pakistani media in a changing and globalizing media setting.

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