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Saturday, 4 May 2013

IT430 E-Commerce Assignment 2 Solution soon Spring 4th May 2013

Question 1
Suppose you are a web developer in a software house. There you are asked to develop the following Student Registration Form for the Virtual University of Pakistan web portal. Name this page as signup.html.

Some Form Validations
  1. Back ground color for the text “Virtual University Student Registration” should be Green.
  2. Border color should be Red.
  3. Font size should be -1.
  4. Implement a character limit on ‘University Email’ textbox as user may not enter more than twenty (20) characters.
  5. Password and Verify Password length should not exceed Ten (10) characters.
  6. Male radio button should be selected by default.
  7. All the text boxes should be aligned properly.
Question 2
An Educational Institute wants to develop a web page. The page will be divided into two columns where left column will be ¼ of the total width. They want to put some links on the left frame like Virtual University of Pakistan and Higher Education Commission. On the right frame they want to add a form in which user can select his / her favorite subjects from multiple ones and can add some comments regarding the web page improvement. After all a Submit button is required on the page.
As a developer you are asked to provide sample HTML template pages in which the main page should be named as index.html. Left and right frame pages should be named as left.html, right.html respectively. In left.html you will create two hyperlinks on the texts “VU Home Page” and “Visit HEC”. In right frame you will use subjects.html page. As for as favorite subjects and comments page concern it should be named as subjects.html.
In this page you will create a form where multiple subjects might be selected using checkboxes. Textarea form element should be used to limit user response to 100 characters. And at the end of the form, there should be a Submit Button.

 IT430 E-Commerce Assignment 2 Solution soon Spring 4th May 2013     

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