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Tuesday 14 May 2013

CS605 Software Engineering-II Assignment 2 Solution Spring May 2013

Q1.                                                                                                                               5 marks
For an inventory control system, calculate the Function Point Count (FP) for which the following measures are given:
Degree of Influence (DI) = 50
Unadjusted Function Point (UFP) = 2

Q2. Calculate Total degree of Influence, Function Point count (FP) and Value Adjustment Factor (VAF) on the basis of the following data:

UFP= 318                                                                                                                     5 marks

General System CharacteristicsDegree  of Influence
Data Communication2
Distribute Data Processing0
Heavily used Configuration4
Transaction Rate2
Online Data Entry4
End User Efficiency5
Online Update3
Complex Processing4
Installation Ease4
Operational Ease5
Multiple Sites5
Facilitate Charges5

Q3. In a bank HR department has launched online application to record employee’s data. The employee’s data includes employee name, registration no, qualification and experience. The employees have been classified as hourly employee, salaried employee. Either type of employee can have information about the dependents and the field of experience. Identify the RETs (Record Element Type) in the above scenario.

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